Anime Thoughts: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata [2015 Anime]

Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, also known as "How to raise a boring girlfriend". This anime caught my attention with the nice tags of comedy and romance (and maybe others :P).

The anime revolves around one guy who dreams of making a an ultimate visual novel, with good visuals, story, characters and even music (I mean thats pretty much the basic criteria to be honest). In order to create this ultimate visual novel of his, he gathers members (all girls duh) seemingly perfect at each of their respective skills, creating the perfect circle of friends to produce the ultimate visual novel. Essentially, the anime is about a guy making a visual novel with a bunch of girls.   :D

To see me put it in those terms it makes it seem as if the anime has a pretty lame concept, but hey, like in life, it isn't always about the end goal, but about the process.

Starting from the more "negative" side of the anime first, I think that overall the anime can get quite a bit draggy. Some scenes I find myself to be slightly bored, as certain things are dragged out a bit too long, and due to the light-hearted nature, most of the stuff happening is purely for the comedic purpose and not to make a huge impact on its viewers, and sometimes, the scenes aren't all that funny (maybe just to me). But the 'draggyness' it is not to say that the anime is cliched or repetitive in any way, sure sometimes the scenes do feel like they repeat, but the circumstance is always different, and the overall story progression is also different.

The positive side of the anime certainly has quite a lot of stuff. I think the anime as a whole was quite enjoyable, it has a lot of funny scenes, and is light-hearted pretty much most of the time, with only a few serious scenes. The serious scenes are also not just used to make the anime feel like it has contrast and to remind the readers its a light-hearted anime, but it is used for purposeful development. The characters are all quite distinct, although some might feel slightly cliched, but otherwise still a pretty good set of characters. The art is not bad, pretty good to be honest, drawings don't seem rushed, and are all pretty detailed (background characters even move :O). The music was not bad as well, fits quite well with the theme of the anime, but not especially catchy unfortunately.

All in all, the entirety of the anime kept me pretty interested throughout the whole series, it might have its boring parts, but watch it through, and check out all the interesting things that can happen only in works of fiction :D

Also, Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Season 2 is ongoing, check it out!

Thanks for reading!

- SomDude
Anime Thoughts: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata [2015 Anime] Anime Thoughts: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata [2015 Anime] Reviewed by SomDude on Thursday, May 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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