Anime Locale in 2020

The New Year is widely associated with an opportunity for change and improvement. Indeed, people make resolutions to better themselves or reach certain goals. The same is here at Anime Locale. This blog has been a passion project for me (GaryMuffuginOak) and Somdude. Personally, having this blog has allowed me to express my thoughts about anime in a concise manner while also maintaining and improving my writing ability. Not to mention, I love both writing and anime, so I'm always having fun when I'm on the keyboard typing out the next inspired article.

Of course, that doesn't mean I can produce articles whenever I want- I do want this blog to grow and the only way is to consistently provide content readers can come back to. I want to provide a new article at least every two weeks, but I've been trying to do that since 2019 and can't manage. My commitment to mandatory military service leaves me short on time to write. Instead of any time of the week, I only can write on weekends and sometimes I just don't know what to write about. Some parts of this year had no new article in nearly a month! Unfortunately, I don't think this is something that really can be fixed until I'm out of service in August. But once August comes, I'm going to try and write articles more consistently.

Sometimes I think about whether blogs are dead. Whether people still would read an anime review or analysis over searching for something similar on Youtube. And unfortunately, this just isn't true. Video essays are far more digestable and attention maintaining than having to read a lengthy article. The biggest and most popular source of anime related content is indeed Youtube. That's why I'm now considering trying my hand at video essays. I'd like to supplement the blog with a Youtube channel. It won't be easy because I currently have no place to record audio and I have no clue how to edit videos, but I'm hoping to try. If I can make a single video essay that I'm happy with I'll count that as a win!

Have a wonderful New Year, and may all your resolutions come to fruition.

Anime Locale in 2020 Anime Locale in 2020 Reviewed by GaryMuffuginOak on Wednesday, January 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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